Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Everything makes sense... in retrospect

Sometimes people behave in a way you just cant understand. My boss, for no rhyme or reason, started behaving very rudely with me. I knew I was slacking, but he isn't smart enough to know that. Later I found that he had done that to others too. And they weren't slacking. See.. I had told you, he isn't smart enough. I was disturbed. I try not to be rude and expect the same. I took the "Do unto others as you would like others to do unto you" lesson in 5th standard (note: me not saying grade here.. aha!) moral science class too seriously.
Anyway, later on, I was to find out that his wife is expecting. It all made sense. The dude was freaking out. Our company was being acquired.. our jobs were in limbo and he was undertaking a huge new responsibility. It made sense, in retrospect.
This is especially true after a break up. All the wierdness, all the pre-break up confusion, everything suddenly makes sense once the ordeal is done. I have so many examples of this, it isn't even funny. No, not all mine. I am cool but not that cool. Anyway, I cant quote any because of NDAs I have signed. But take my word for it.
It is also true scientifically speaking. Many many years ago, when all the non indian people didnt know the solar system and all that stuff, they must have been amazed by how the sun rose in the east and set in the west. (I need to take a moments pause whenever I make a statement as scientific as that to make sure I got it right) Now, it makes perfect sense does it not. Many many exaples are there!
So my point being, (dont you guys just hate this part... my kids are going to disown me at the age of 6) if things dont make sense, wait. They will. Someday, everything will. (I am not generalizing OK.. I said someday.. I didnt specify which day that is)